Live from Tahoe: Noted Chargers fan David Wells celebrates bringing Norv Turner back

The title of this post says “Live from Tahoe,” but that’s not entirely true. I’m actually on a plane flying back to Dallas… so this’ll be the last one of these. Still, we have plenty of material collected in Lake Tahoe to last a few days. One of those centers around former star pitcher David Wells, a celebrity who played in the tournament. We visited with him earlier. Anyway, Wells is a San Diego resident and a big Chargers fan. And while so many seemed frustrated with the team’s decision to bring back coach Norv Turner after another year of mediocrity, Wells wasn’t among them. Nope, not even after missing the playoffs again. No doubt, these comments will drive a few Chargers fans […]
Live from Tahoe: Noted Chargers fan David Wells celebrates bringing Norv Turner back

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