My story: College coaches pinpoint the next trend to permeate the NFL’s game

First, there was the Wildcat. Then, spread offenses. The college game has long proven a feeder ground for concepts that break into the NFL. But what’s next? For that question, I asked several who work in or work closely to the college game — Ohio State coach Urban Meyer, South Florida’s Skip Holtz, and analyst Doug Flutie. Their answers were all the same. As Meyer expertly put it, “Utilizing the quarterbacks as something more than just hand the ball off and throw it.“ Yup, the mobile QB era in the NFL is alive and well, and it’s only going to grow. Robert Griffin III (right) is this year’s addition. Cam Newton and Tim Tebow have also shown what worked in […]
My story: College coaches pinpoint the next trend to permeate the NFL’s game

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